Karabar High School and Distance Education Centre is a comprehensive high school located in Karabah NSW.
During term 2 the school detected high water usage and Lachlan Schubert, the school’s General Assistant, was immediately alerted to a problem. Lachlan investigated, completing a school water audit, but found no visible signs of a leak.
SUMS continued to log excessive usage and further investigation revealed large volumes of water running directly into the floor waste below the school science lab. Leaks were caused by corroded copper piping under a 300mm thick concrete slab.
Water Use before and after leak is detected and rectified
The leaks resulted in water usage of approximately 69 litres per minute. Had this leak continued unchecked, water usage would have exceeded 2,980KL at a cost of $10,430 per month.
Thankfully Lachlan was alerted to the problem quickly and as soon as the cause of the leak was identified Karabar High School completed the required repairs.
Had the leak continued undetected the water bill for the quarter would have exceeded $30,000!
Congratulations to Karabar High School on exceptional asset management!