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Sydney Fish Market

The Market is a longstanding client trusting SUMS smart solutions to help facility management capture, measure and monitor water usage aligned to its Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability endeavours.

SUMS enables smart water efficiency and reporting at the iconic Sydney Fish Market

Pictured: Sydney Fish Market, Pyrmont, NSW

In 2016, Sydney Fish Market adopted SUMS technology to efficiently manage its water use. Sydney Fish Market is a site that includes multiple retailers (tenants) and functional areas, with varying water requirements for day-to-day business operations, which run 7 days a week.

To capture the water usage across the site, SUMS Group installed 30 data loggers connected to both tenancy and building water meters. Through the SUMS Portal, the Market’s facilities manager gains full visibility of current and historical water consumption data in one central place, which provides unique insights that were previously unknown or unclear to the business and tenants.


Once armed with detailed water consumption and monitoring data through SUMS, Sydney Fish Market Management was able to identify and measure the water usage relevant to each location and switch to a user-pays model within the complex. On one occasion, a tenant decided to overhaul its cooking process and update equipment to dramatically reduce its water consumption and bill. Conversely, tenants using less water were also quickly rewarded.

The facility recently experienced a power outage, however this did not impact the smart meters. Sydney Fish Market continued to collect data via battery and, once power returned, management’s uninterrupted access to its water data continued.


Sydney Fish Market is a highly complex and diverse facility with seasonal spikes and troughs in water usage. Whether it be due to a peak holiday season, or variation to operational procedures throughout the day, management now can see patterns of usage and benchmark performance on a regular basis, and quickly isolate and resolve problems.

Rod Gaete, Facilities Manager at Sydney Fish Market, says:

Sydney Fish Market is a highly frequented venue and city attraction. Given the nature of our business, water is critical to our operations. Thankfully, the SUMS approach and solutions have worked seamlessly and reliably behind the scenes for many years, helping us to manage costs, save time, and meet our sustainability reporting needs. With SUMS’ built-in ‘alert’ system, I have the peace of mind that if there are any significant water use changes to business as usual, I’ll know about it and can fix it.

Sydney Fish Market is a longstanding client, trusting SUMS smart solutions to help facility management capture, measure and monitor water usage aligned to its Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability endeavours.

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