The Hills Shire Council has made a real commitment to water management practices which are outlined in their Community Strategic Plan for 2020-21. The Council aims to manage environmental risks and impacts responsibly and promptly, while also delivering the proper services and infrastructure to maintain and protect the environment for the future.
To meet these goals, Hills Shire Council has installed smart technology from SUMS Group – including SUMS data logging technology and the associated SUMS utility management portal.
The SUMS water management solution delivers a holistic view of the Council’s asset performance, enabling Property Managers to track performance across all Council Assets from a single login. The use of smart technology has ensured that Council Property Managers are alerted quickly if abnormal water usage occurs. Before the adoption of the SUMS solution, visual inspections of council assets were required to pick up any water usage anomalies, and maintenance would occur to a fixed schedule rather than when required.
In August 2020 the SUMS portal alerted Hills Property Managers of a significant water leak. The leak was investigated and the problem was linked to an irrigation system.
“(The leak) was attributed to an irrigation system in a raised garden bed which has subsurface drainage to storm water. This meant the leaking water wasn’t visible on the surface and we would have had problems finding it if it wasn’t for the SUMS alert system.” The Hills Shire Council Water & Energy Projects Officer stated.
After the leak was detected and then rectified, SUMS data showed that water usage reduced by a significant 8%.
“This leak could have gone unnoticed for some time without the loggers, so we are really glad that we installed SUMS smart technology to better understand how our buildings are operating.” The Hills Shire Council Water & Energy Projects Officer also stated.
In the SUMS graph below you can see the constant flow of the leak, then a spike in water use while the irrigation system was repaired and tested, then the irrigation system stopped using water.
This example illustrates how Hills Shire Council is prioritising water management and improved asset performance in their Local Government Area.